Name: Candace
Pronoun(s): she/her
Nationality: American
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Current location: Cheonan, South Korea
Occupation: English Teacher, Blogger
Meet Candace

Ciao y’all! My name is Candace, or Candi for short. I was born and raised in Houston, TX but currently reside in South Korea.
The road that led me here was definitely a winding one, to say the least. I graduated with my Bachelor’s in Fashion Retail Merchandising and worked as Shoe Buyer for four mundane years. Like many other travel enthusiasts I decided to quit my 8-5 corporate job to explore and see more of the world. In 2017 I earned my wings and became an International Flight Attendant.
Working as a Flight Attendant definitely had its ups and downs, but was overall one of the most exciting jobs I ever had. After four years of flying the friendly skies and visiting over 35 countries and 6 continents, I decided at the end of 2020 that it was finally time to hang up my wings and pursue my passion of living and teaching abroad. Yep, that’s right…
This Corporate Escapee has officially become an Expat and English Teacher Abroad!
Now as I adjust to my new home in South Korea, I love sharing the bitter and sweet moments of this new exciting chapter of my life through blogging on my website: and Instagram to hopefully encourage other Women, especially WOC, to make the move abroad.
On Education

Did you attend college? If so, where, and how did you choose that school/those schools?
I attended the Art Institute of Houston to major in Fashion Retail Merchandising. Ever since I was a teenager and was exposed to the show Friends, I dreamed of becoming a Fashion Buyer just like Rachel haha. I grew up with a passion for fashion and retail but also enjoyed numbers a lot. So the idea of shopping for a living and dealing with a budget excited me and fueled my decision to pursue a career in the retail fashion industry.
In your opinion, what makes travel uniquely “educational”?
Travel is uniquely educational because the life lessons you learn while traveling is nothing that can be taught to you in a book. No matter how much you research and read up on a particular place, actually experiencing it in person is priceless. I have had expectations shattered through travel as well as learned so much about myself as an individual. You build adaptability and self awareness skills through traveling. Every place I’ve traveled to has taught me something new about myself by the end of the trip. Traveling births growth.
Professional Background

How long have you been in your current position?
I have been in my current position for about seven months now.
I first moved to South Korea to teach at the beginning of January 2021. Being a Kindergarten teacher has been way more enjoyable than I anticipated.
I love my students and enjoy seeing each of their personalities shine as they grow into great English speakers.
Going from always traveling to new countries and being exposed to new cultures as a flight attendant definitely has prepared me for this journey of living and teaching abroad. Although I still serve snacks on a daily basis (haha), the new tasks and responsibilities that I am learning are helping me develop and grow into the teacher I dreamt of becoming one day.

Did you ever feel unsure of your career path?
Most definitely! The most depressed I have ever felt was when I realized that my “dream job” of being a Buyer wasn’t such a dream after all.
I kept beating myself up and felt defeated that what I went to college for was not what inspired me anymore.
I would leave work every day stressed and overwhelmed. Then one day, a good friend of mine, who knew my situation suggested I apply to the airline she worked for since she knew I enjoyed traveling and had a strong desire to see more of the world.
I was very hesitant at first – what would my family and friends think of me quitting my career to become a flight attendant? In the end, I am so happy I took a leap of faith and went for it! I decided to give myself grace and allow myself to enjoy the job and journey.
Becoming a flight attendant is what exposed me to the many opportunities that were available around the globe. I shortly knew expat life would soon be my next move.
On Lifestyle

Why do you enjoy traveling?
I enjoy traveling because it allows me to learn new things and gain a broader perspective on my beliefs and thoughts.
Like most people, I love traveling to see popular landmarks and visiting tourist sites, but most importantly, I love traveling to experience a new culture. Making connections with locals and creating bonds and friendships with others from around the globe is one of my favorite aspects of traveling.
Traveling to new places and exploring the outdoors has become such a part of my routine that I can not picture my life without it.
Would you ever relocate to live outside of the US indefinitely? Where?
My goal is to die in Europe- as weird as that sounds. But I do not desire to live in the US and would love to live in the EU indefinitely.
I adore Italy and have many local friends there that I have met through my past trips and layovers. The culture, food, people, history, and simplicity of living is what attracts me to settling down in another country.
Especially as a Woman of Color, living in the US was becoming taxing on my mental health and wellness.
Although no country is perfect, being able to have that freedom to uproot and replant what I can to thrive and grow has always been my dream. I hope to settle down and raise children one day outside of the US.
If you could go back in time and participate in a travel experience you didn’t know was available to you at the time, what would it be?
If I could go back in time and participate in a travel experience it would be to study abroad in college. I was so narrow-minded and had tunnel vision while studying.

I wish I took more advantage of gaining international experience at a younger age.
As soon as I graduated college, I jumped head first into my career. I never had a sabbatical year, summer vacation, nor study abroad experience. And to be honest I didn’t even realize those opportunities were available to me. In the end, my detoured journey was worth it as I gained a lot of professional experience and business skills that I still use to this day.
Have you ever traveled solo? If so, what was that experience like?
I highly recommend traveling solo at least once in your life. It is the most exhilarating and freeing feeling you will ever experience.
Not only are you able to do what you want when you want, but the connection within yourself that you build is priceless.
Traveling solo has helped me build the confidence, self love, and self-awareness I have today. Solo travel is what initially fueled my desire to make the move abroad.
One last question

What advice would you give to someone who knows they want to travel but aren’t sure where that fits in with the rest of their lives?
Take the leap!
Traveling is not defined by the amount of time you are away from home, but the moments you create while exploring the unknown. Whether it’s traveling domestically in your backyard or to another country, if it is something you are interested in, just do it!
Editor’s note: This interview has been lightly edited.
If you connected with Candace’s feature, are interested in learning more about the transition from working as a flight attendant to expat living, want the real details on living abroad as a WOC, and/or are curious about all things South Korea, she invites you to connect via the channels below.
Instagram: @bittersweetcandi_
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This is very inspirational and I know a lot of people who did the opposite which is stop teaching to become a flight attendant. Traveling the world is something that I plan to do.
There are so many ways people find their way to a travel-oriented lifestyle! Follow your gut, do your research, and take the leap, and see what happens. Happy traveling!