Meet Latrice
Name: Latrice Shepherd
Pronouns: She/her
Nationality: American
Hometown: The Bay Area
Current location: Paris
Occupation: Senior Lecturer of English

My name is Latrice Shepherd and I’ve been a resident of Paris, France for eight years.
I decided to move to Paris after a work trip with Louis Vuitton. I was twenty-five years old during that work trip and made a vow to myself that I would live in Paris one day. Nine years later I did just that and it was the best decision I’ve made for my life.
On Eduation

Did you attend college? If so, where, and how did you choose that school/those schools?
I attended the City University of New York. I chose City because it was within walking distance of my New York City apartment.
I also returned to college as an adult student because I was laid off during the financial crisis.
How did you choose your program? Did your decision change over the course of your time at school?
Initially I chose to study economics, but it was a bit too boring for my taste. I then changed my major to International Relations. As part of my major I needed to learn a language. As a result I chose French and that is when I began to fall in love with France all over again.
Did you participate in study abroad while at school? For how long, and with what program?
I studied in Morocco and France and went through the program with my university.
I chose both countries because I was adamant about practicing French.
As I was a mature student, learning a second language in a classroom setting proved to be quite difficult for me.
Professional background

What has working outside your native country taught you about yourself and the culture you come from?
The French enjoy their leisure time and I’ve learned that I enjoy the same. I don’t enjoy living to work, I prefer working to live. As a result I am very comfortable earning a smaller salary in order to have leisure time and enjoy my life.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I’m not a teacher in a traditional sense, I’m a lecturer. As a result, I teach my students anything that I feel is important for them to learn. I enjoy preparing my students for international careers.
Did you ever feel unsure of your career path?
Yes and no.
I didn’t study to be a teacher, but it seems that in all aspects of my life I somehow end up teaching.
When I was a Leather Goods Manager with Louis Vuitton I had to teach/train my staff. Via my website, I teach/coach women on how to move to Paris. Via my YouTube channel Paris Chic Code, I help women develop their personal style in addition to providing expat tips.
On Lifestyle

Why do you enjoy traveling?
I love discovering new cultures. I love to see new places and acquire new experiences. I adore language and learning how people communicate with one another.
Do you think that everyone should study abroad? What are the benefits?
Absolutely. Study abroad changes your life and if I ever return to the States I plan to work in this field. The benefits are acquiring a worldly outlook.
You learn to not sweat the small stuff and to really enjoy life. You also learn that this world is much bigger than you.
How would you describe your travel style? (Budget, luxe,backpacker, thrifty, fancy, some unique combination?)
I’m a budget traveler. I like to spend my money on experiences so I will scrimp on hotel, fancy dinners etc. I absolutely love Airbnb and it is my first choice when traveling to a new destination.
One last question
What advice would you give to someone who knows they want to travel but aren’t sure where that fits in with the rest of their lives?
Just do it. When you really want something you make it happen regardless as to what adversity you’re up against.
Reach out to people who are well traveled on Instagram and ask for tips. My site also provides wonderful tips about solo traveling.
Editor’s note: This interview has been lightly edited.
Thank you for reading Fearless Friday No. 26 – Latrice, Senior Lecturer of English!
If you connected with Latrice’s story and are interested in expat tips, be sure to check out Penniless in Paris. If Paris luxury fashion is more your thing, you’ll love her video content on her YouTube Channel, Paris Chic Code.
Instagram: @pennilessinparis
YouTube: Paris Chic Code
A new edition of 52 Weeks of Fearless: A Friday Feature Series is posted at the end of each week. If you enjoy reading and want to keep up-to-date with the latest posts, please subscribe, share, and follow @themillennialabroad to support!
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