First name: Candace
Pronoun(s): She
Nationality: American
Home state(s): Florida and New Jersey
Current location: London, England
Occupation: MBA Student, Teacher, and Travel Blogger
Meet Candace

Heya! I’m Candace, an East-coast girl turned Londoner who moved abroad in 2016 and hasn’t looked back since. Since then I’ve lived in the U.K, China, and Thailand with no plans to return to the US.
As I balance life as a teacher, MBA student, travel blogger, and podcaster, my mission in life is to seek joy and inspire my audience to do the same — which may mean booking a flight or two. Above all I believe travel dreams should be chased, and life is best lived on the side of optimism.
Fun facts: I LOVE coffee, I can speak Chinese, and can rap the whole of Baby Got Back (on a good day).
On Education

Did you attend college? If so, where, and how did you choose that school/those schools?
I attended college at the University of East London in London, UK because when I was in my senior year living in New Jersey, I knew I wanted to get out of my hometown. One Google rabbithole later and the rest is history. My guidance counselor didn’t offer any help with international applications, but I was determined to find a way to move abroad, so I did!
What would you say to someone trying to decide between studying abroad for one semester vs a full school year?
Very biasly speaking, I would say to go study for a full year (or like me, get your whole degree abroad!).
The US college experience is always waiting for you, with the worst case scenario of having a few months of FOMO
But every minute you travel is prepping you for life in a way a classroom never will, so do it for as long as possible!
What advice would you give someone who isn’t interested in attending a traditional college or university, but knows they want to travel?
I would say be mindful. I think social media has tainted the image of what it means to travel full-time. But what they don’t say is most of them already had a degree, most likely a job, and are able to travel in the beginning primarily because of saving from that job and degree. If travel is moving you, by all means, do it! But if you can combine your professional goals with seeing the world, even better.
Professional Background

How long have you been in your current position?
I have been teaching online since 2019. I started teaching in Shanghai, China, but due to COVID-19 I had to relocate to Thailand. Long story short, I networked my own students and was able to quit my job and work for myself shortly after.
Would you say travel or living abroad have impacted your career path? How?
When I first moved abroad I had planned to work in Health Services. But after I graduated, I decided I needed a career change.
Giving myself an adult gap of sorts really allowed me to get clear with want I want
Freshly back in London, I’m getting my MBA and couldn’t be happier! I’ve always loved business and entrepreneurship, but living abroad has inspired me to combine that love with travel. This is something I never would’ve known if I hadn’t taken a year off to figure out my career path.
On Lifestyle

Lots of people think traveling is cool, but not something they can see themselves doing. What are the characteristics of a traveler or person who would enjoy living abroad, in your opinion?
A traveler is any person who is willing to take a chance on the unknown.
So many of us just live day to day, without questioning what it would be like to do something completely different
Travel gives you that opportunity to step outside your comfort zone, which in my opinion, is the key to an adventurous life. For that reason, I think travel and living abroad is something everyone should try — at least once.
Has traveling changed the way you view the world? If yes, how so?
Definitely. Embarrassed to say, but before I moved abroad, I was very narrow-minded. I only thought about the world through an American point of view, which gave me a lot of negative stereotypes about the world around me.
Having lived in three countries now, I definitely see the world through a more holistic lens. Above all: people are so much more than where they’re from. We’re connected through humanity. At the end of the day, that’s all that matters.
Closing Question
What advice would you give to a young person who knows they want to travel, but aren’t sure where that fits in with the rest of their lives?
If you want to revolve your life around travel, make a plan. Without combining my education and career with seeing the world, I definitely wouldn’t have been able to live abroad as long as I have. Do your research, choose the travel route that suits you best, set a date and save!
One of my favorite quotes is: “All our dreams can come true; if we have the courage to pursue them.” —Walt Disney
Make it happen!
Editor’s note: This interview has been lightly edited for concision and clarity.
If you connected with Candace’s story, she invites you to connect with her on the following platforms:
Instagram: @candaceabroad
Website: Candace Abroad
Thank you for reading! Fearless Friday Features are posted every Friday evening France time. If you have any follow-up questions or comments about the feature, please feel free to leave them below. Until next time – a bientôt !
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